Junior Youth – Grades 6, 7 & 8
There are a few different opportunities for Jr. Youth at Calvary! Sunday mornings, Jr. Youth gather together with our Lighthouse Kids Ministry to learn about God and grow in their relationship with Him. There is a special Jr Youth leadership development element (“Meant for More”) which includes both learning and practical opportunities to serve and lead. In addition to Sunday mornings, there are also monthly fun activities planned for Jr.Youth. Check out the typical schedule below!

Senior Youth – High School
We have an amazing community of Sr.Youth at Calvary! Our high school students are an important part of our church family as they serve, worship, share, and demonstrate passion and pursuit of Jesus!
Friday nights from 7:00 – 9:30 is “HOME” – our weekly Sr. Youth gathering. It’s called HOME because we want youth to feel comfortable and real, with Jesus at the centre. On a Friday night you’d find us hanging out in the youth room, sipping on a hot chocolate from the café, playing silly games in the gym, worshipping Jesus together, learning in small groups, praying for one another… being family together. Our times together also include outings, retreats, and service/outreach opportunities. At HOME, we desire for youth to meet with and encounter the love and transforming freedom of Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit through community, memorable experiences, worship, growing and serving together!
In addition to Friday nights, there’s other opportunities including Youth Alpha, Confirmation, Mission Trips, and lots of ways to be poured into and to pour out! If you have any questions about Sr.Youth Ministry at Calvary or how we can support you, contact Rhonda Elgersma, Director of Youth Ministries.