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Calvary United

Drew's Sabbatical Details

What is a Sabbatical?

A sabbatical (from the word sabbath) is time away from the regular routines of work for rest, renewal, and rebirth. The biblical roots of Sabbath are foundational to the concept of sabbatical as a time of rest from the work of ministry. Sabbatical time is for learning through reflection, revitalization, and recreation.

What is Drew’s sabbatical?

Combining some of his vacation time with his Sabbatical, Drew will be off from June 14 – Oct 11.

Why now?

Ministers in the United Church are entitled and encouraged to take a sabbatical every 5 years. Drew’s last sabbatical was in 2011 – over 10 years ago. Drew has repeatedly heard God’s call for him to stop - pause - rest. Our church’s leadership teams (both paid and volunteer) are in a place of great strength and momentum. We are confident that God will continue to move our church family forward, even during Drew’s absence. It is time for us to honour our commitment to Drew, and bless him with dedicated time to recharge and rest to be able to lead and pastor out of a place of abundance. We know this will strengthen both Drew and us as a church.

What will happen during Sabbatical with PASTORAL CARE NEEDS?

We are grateful we have such a great team in place to respond to your pastoral care needs.

Rev. Orville James will be our primary Pastoral Charge Supervisor. Orville has been actively part of our church family now for over a couple years now. He is a retired United Church minister living in Kitchener and is excited to be able to serve and support Calvary in this time. Orville will also help with some Sunday preaching and be present at our board meetings. Orville does have some family plans in the summer months in which we will have some additional pastoral coverage if Orville is unavailable. Rev. Steve Huntley will be a back up pastoral care minister over the summer times when Orville is unavailable. Steve Huntley is a retired United Church minister from Fergus. We also have local St. Jacobs Mennonite minister, Mark Diller Harder & Elora United Church minister, Greg Smith-Young as well lined up for emergency pastoral needs.

Our fabulous pastoral care team will continue to be a great point of contact if you have a need or prayer request; they will continue to regularly check in with our seniors and elderly in our community.

Our ministry staff will also be available to walk with you and connect you with the support you need through prayer, resources, and time.

You can contact:

  • Cathy Linesman as a first point of contact (519-664-3684 (h) /

  • Or the church office and Wendy will connect with someone who can help you.

*Our church leadership will know how and when to reach out to Drew if needed.

Note: Pastoral care ministry has been unique in this season (ex. funerals, hospital visits). We will continue to navigate the needs accordingly.

What will happen during Sabbatical with SUNDAY WORSHIP?

We will be blessed to hear great sermons, encouragements, and teachings from various voices during this time including our ministry staff, lay leaders/congregation members, Rev. Orville James, and other guest preachers/speakers.

Our worship teams (planning, music, media/tech) & staff will work together to coordinate great Sunday worship services.

What will Drew be doing? Will he be available for me to contact him?

Sabbaticals are intended to be intentional times of rest and recharging. Drew has mapped out some goals and discussed this plan with Ministry & Personnel. He’ll have some times of learning, online classes, visioning, connecting with some ministry partners/friends, reading, and resting.

We want to protect Drew’s time away. While Drew will be unavailable via email/phone, leadership will know how/when to reach out to Drew if needed. Please contact another staff person or one of the above mentioned pastoral care contacts if you have any questions or needs.

What if I have more questions?

Please reach out to Angie Tuffnail, chair of the Ministry & Personnel team if you have any further questions. (519-574-7992 /

The sabbatical is seen as an opportunity to renew the energy and mission of both the minister and the congregation. Thanks to everyone for making this experience possible!!


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