Quote: Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.
Quick Tips: (one model)
(don’t worry about getting it right. just begin connecting to God, share your heart with him and be confident that what you think you’re hearing God say is enough to get you started. God wants to speak to you)
Set a regular time that works for you and place: (night?, day? walking, a chair in your home) get a journal to record things God says to you (see journalling for more info)
Begin with thanksgiving for who God is and anything good things you notice happening in and around you (don’t wait for perfection to celebrate the ways you are experiencing the goodness of God) - thanking God for what it shows you of who God is or how he’s working in you and others
read a psalm or part of a gospel
Hand to God any tensions, resistance or weights
Take time to rest in his caring for you and carrying these things (worship music, stillness, walking can help here)
Ask God what’s on his heart for you. - listen and write down what you hear
Ask God to bring people and situations to mind: ask him what’s on his heart for those - listen and write down what you hear
Talk to him about anything coming up today/tomorrow. Listen and write down what you hear for your day.
Devotional links and resources
Sylvia Gunther - The Father’s Business: weekly devotional
First15 - daily devotional
May 1 2022 It starts with Him, abiding
Feb 13, 2022 The Church I See Is A House of Prayer (being yourself with God)
Jan 25, 2021 Hearing Rhema Words (hearing God’s words for you)
Suggested Books
Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
The Life You’ve Always Wanted - John Ortberg