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Dreams Of An Outdoor Group Space

Calvary United

Updated: May 27, 2021

for the last few years, several people have mentioned:

Dreams of an Outdoor Group Space

  • A small group meeting space

  • a place to reflect and pray

  • for Lighthouse classes to meet, explore, grow for outdoor worship

  • A place to rest, laugh, gather - OUTDOORS

As we approached out 20th anniversary of this building, some suggested this would be a great project to commemorate the dreams and visions that brought us here.

But where?

In 2003, similar dreams blossomed into our Prayer and Memory garden. As we read the 2003

annual report, the vision for this garden seemed to match many of these present dreams.

“A special project, the Memory/Prayer Garden, was started in the fall of 2003. The Garden, surrounded by the white picket fence ... was to be enjoyed by the whole church family, as a place for quiet reflection, prayer, memories, and laughter. Our hope is to have the footpath through and extending from the Memory Garden made of interlocking memorial stones. Rev. Robinson and I had talked about a special garden during the construction of the church. I know he would have encouraged everyone to enjoy it.” (2003 annual report)

Maybe by expanding the space for our whole church family to enjoy the shade, beauty - those original dreams could be built upon for the next generation? A space for outdoor worship, reflection, the laughter of groups meeting and kids learning and growing. Standing upon the stones laid to celebrate and remember people who have meant so much to us and Calvary.

There are some practical reasons to consider this now as well - the white picket fence needs replacing, the gardens so lovingly cared for by Wayne Donald these last several years, are requiring increased maintenance.

So today we are writing to you, as people who have invested in this beautiful space and made it a special place to remember someone dear to you. We are planning and imagining how to open up the prayer and memory garden. To allow it to be an open outdoor space for groups and individuals to sit, pray, gather, laugh. And, we’re planning to incorporate the memory stones amidst the space. And this will make room for us add more stones for others too.

Below is a preliminary sketch:




Tuesday: Online (connect by phone or email)

Wednesday: at Calvary Church

Thursday: Online (connect by phone or email)

Friday: at Calvary Church


48 Hawkesville Road

PO Box 189

St. Jacobs, ON

N0B 2N0

Sunday Service - 10AM



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