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December 10, 2022 Advent Reflection

Calvary United

December 10, 2022

Read: Luke 1:57-58, 65-66

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to live back in the days of Jesus? I often find myself wondering what I would have seen and how I would have reacted. I love accounts that are written that give me the opportunity to imagine. You might just skim over the lines in these verses but pause and notice:

  • verse 58 - Elizabeth’s relatives and neighbours rejoiced with her when John the Baptist was born

  • verse 65 - they were in awe and fear after Zechariah got his voice back and they went away talking about it all over the neighbourhood!

I mean it makes sense doesn’t it? A hope, a dream, a desperate prayer of having a child back then answered in your old age. Of course you would rejoice with her! Elizabeth and Zechariah would have a son! Their family name and lineage would continue! There is now a son to care for Elizabeth if she becomes a widow. Such goodness!! God is good, all the time!

But here is where God caught my attention. The account shares that the people start to realize God has more. They watch the unconventional naming of this child and then witness Zechariah receiving his voice back and instantly praise God and prophesy over John. Fear came upon the people. The relatives and neighbours went away talking and trying to figure out what just happened and what it all might mean. At this point they realize there is going to be another chapter to this story. The story does not end with “Finally in their old age, God answered their prayers and Elizabeth and Zechariah had a baby and they lived happily ever after”. God had so much more. This child, John the Baptist, was not just an answer to the prayers of an aged couple but the answer to a prophecy declaring that there would be one who would announce the coming of the messiah - a voice in the wilderness declaring “Prepare the way of the Lord!” (Isaiah 40:3). God had his hand on this one!

The truth is, when we ask Jesus into our lives, God has his hand on each of us! The prayers we speak that appear unanswered are heard by our good Father. His plans will prevail and his goodness will be seen. Don’t give up bringing your requests before God and don’t give up on his goodness. He has places prepared in your life for us to rejoice with you! Pause and ask him right now:

  • “God, is there a prayer that I have let go of that you still hear? Would you stir up hope in me for your goodness in my life.”

And here is the really remarkable thing in this story; it points to just how good our Father is. The spaces in your life where you already see his goodness… He has more! He is not done pouring out his blessings and carrying out his good plans. There are more chapters to be written so that the testimony of his goodness will never end. Wait. Watch. See what more he has for you, your family, your relatives, your community, your world! God loves to release his love and his goodness through people just like you. Be willing for him to write another chapter on a piece of your life that seems wrapped up and done… because my guess is… he has more goodness to pour out on and through you!

  • God, we thank you for the good gifts in our lives. Holy Spirit is there a place in my life where you are about to pour out more goodness? Do you have another chapter that you want to write? Would you help me to stand in expectation so I can see your hand at work in my life. I want my life and your hand on my life to be seen by those around me. Make my life a witness to your glory and your goodness.

Written by Kelly Beitz




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Wednesday: at Calvary Church

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48 Hawkesville Road

PO Box 189

St. Jacobs, ON

N0B 2N0

Sunday Service - 10AM



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