"Bid for Freedom" is a joint effort by Calvary United Church, Highview Community Church and Central Church to raise funds via an online auction for the sponsorship of a Syrian family with a Waterloo connection. Despite minimal funds, harassment by Lebanese police and severe restrictions on their movements, this family has established a thriving school in their Lebanon neighbourhood to help Syrian refugee children whose education has been disrupted.
Both Venus and Aphrodite received scholarships to study in Canada. They have completed their studies and have established themselves locally.
Can you help us raise the funds necessary to bring their parents and brother to freedom in Canada?
Goods: We would like to offer a wide range of goods from artistic creations to home décor to gift certificates. All donations of unused items will be gratefully received.
Services: Get creative!
Some options:
Submit an auction item appreciated by November 8th please
Thank you SO much for partnering with us!