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Calvary United

AGM 2021 Dreams and Visions

Dreams & Visions Heading into 2021


  • Support Leadership


  • Weekly newsletter has been very good – keep going

  • Online directory

Groups & Connecting

  • Men's group continuing (online has made it easier to join so this can continue more confidently in person)

  • Reconnect with people in person

  • Attract and maintain young adult community

  • Groups geared to single adults

  • More small groups, for personal connection

Pastoral Care

  • Grief support

  • Expand our Pastoral Care Ministry – more people involved and reach more people


  • More prayer training

  • Prayer partners – could be randomly selected

  • Continuing the “branch” or ministry outreach outside of the building, ongoing ministry


  • Youth Missions for 2021 – doesn’t have to be far

  • Harness creative output of the youth

  • Continued prison ministry

  • Support for refugees continued, but also extended to others less fortunate

  • - More than just food and clothing but also shelter

  • Harvest Half Marathon

  • More outreach (disciple making) – partner with DAC

  • Dive more into what God has for various nations


  • More use of outdoor space (fall fairs, church services outside, worship, Lighthouse, Small groups)

  • Outdoor services, especially in the front so that people driving by may feel pulled to stop in

  • Permanent baptism tub & outdoor baptism area


  • Better internet in the building

  • Invest in technology for services – more cameras and dimmable lights

  • Take more programs into the virtual realm or hybrid model; digital enabling of ministries (i.e. Backfield Fest broadcasted)

  • Virtual church services to stay available and promoted to the community

Dream & Visions for 5-10 Years/Long Term

  • What we have learned in this season will have value in the coming years

  • Invest in Jesus

Invest in our family

  • See Calvary as a hub

  • Grow Prayer ministry

  • Gather, worship, fill us up and then move out to have the Holy Spirit to move us in the future

Building some sort of housing behind the Church

  • Accessible housing for Seniors, and others

  • Perhaps partnering with Habitat for Humanity to provide affordable housing

  • Intergenerational opportunities (get to know families and children better, use church family to build relationships, use youth and seniors to connect)

Support Youth/Children’s Ministry

  • keeping up the camp programs

  • Lighthouse – another room for “hanging out” after the service while adults have coffee time.

    • Perhaps using the storage room and back classroom as they are still close to the gym. This is in place of going upstairs as it would be more accessible

    • Increase gathering space

    • Concentrate on kids and gathering space

Facility and outdoors space

  • gazebo/pavilion, seating, grandstand, chapel/space for weddings

  • Expand and modify our building to accommodate the people that will come

  • Add a balcony

  • Change the building to L shaped

Groups and Gathering

  • Encouragement of men’s and small groups to grow and share

  • More group gatherings & connecting about Jesus

  • Small groups increase – with people we don’t usually connect with

  • Expansion of business Kingdom – to every life/job. People praying/ministering through their jobs

Technology and Creative Outputs

  • song writing

  • Media Studio for recording

  • Investment in technology

  • Increase worship leaders training

Invest in our Community

Creativity and Worship

  • St Jacobs has a creative well; artisan space, "maker space", leading Kingdom opportunities in other spaces outside of the church

  • Connecting place for creativity and growth (hosting a conference, song writing workshops, worship leading workshops, painting workshops, creative hub)

  • Develop a 24/7 channel for continuous worship/prayer, i.e. taking shift. Maybe partner with other churches

  • Worship on more days, more times to reach more people

Children and Youth

  • Continued investment in Silverlake infrastructure

  • Backfield Fest with our youth and community

  • See Youth Event services at Calvary – a new generation of youth

  • See more youth at Encounter

  • Expansion and growth of Parenting ministry


  • Sunday service in the St Jacobs community

  • Shared services with other churches communities


  • We have creative, talented people in worship - host a one-day workshop for worship leading or song writing - this is open to anyone in the community

  • Increase of equipping people – not just our own – to go out

  • Prayer training for community churches

Community Connections

  • Gathering and then going out - a place of connecting in the community

  • Set up a prayer booth at community fairs/events


  • See Calvary grow in numbers. We have a lot to offer and want people to get to experience that.

  • Increase diversity


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