Message from the Minister
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
As we have for many years, we choose to let our annual report be a declaration of God’s goodness and a celebration of what God is doing in and through Calvary. As we began 2021, we sensed the word ‘thrive’ and Jeremiah 17:7-8 best described God’s work in our midst.
Thriving in every season starts with God: how God provides, leads and works and how we learn to draw closer, trust more and dig deeper. As we look through these pages, isn’t it amazing how God prepared us in advance of lockdown - for example to have had prayer meetings, and several nights of more worship happening that just shifted to online. We’ve even found how online has allowed a greater interaction in this opportunity: a chance for people to share, listen, pray for one another, encourage one another in an environment of worship and abiding in God’s presence. Like trees planted by streams… in every season.
And, Jeremiah 17 says, through abiding, fruit appears in every season. As we read this report, I think we can declare: God has produced amazing fruit in this season. What amazing, exciting ways God has provided, cared for and enabled life to abound at Calvary - even in the midst:
incredible outpouring of ideas and strategies
praying for nations
walking and praying through the village
worshipping and praying for one another online
online prayer rooms
small group studies
online coffee hours
drive by celebrations of staff and volunteers
creative children & youth ministry opportunities
incredible team of Sunday hosts, sharers, worship teams, speakers who creatively and consistently helped us hear God’s voice, worship together, lean on God and be lead by him.
calls of congregation members to one another
I don’t know if we would have seen the burst of creative problem solving. Back in the beginning of 2019, some felt we should start praying that technology would ‘bow down’ - and serve God’s kingdom coming. Earlier in 2020 we launched a new webpage (huge thanks to Paige Johnson & Wendy Stirbet for their work in this!) And look how important our online resources have needed to be in this season! Also, we started some online groups and practised facebook live in 2019, not knowing that those little lessons would be practise for pivoting to online worship, online meetings and connections. What an amazing gift it is to see people using their skills and experience to build platforms from the ground up - for Steve Morris, Andrew Atkinson, Dave Small and Dan Rose who problem solved and created our online platforms - allowing us to broadcast from our homes during the beginning of lockdown to the hybrid models we have now: live - ish and online.
What an amazing thing to watch the creativity and support of teams: the Christmas Eve drive through with snowmobiles and bonfires and time to greet each other, the trivia evening, groups meeting to pray and sit with scripture, training and encouragement in evangelism and in mental health, the list could go on and on. This is the fruit of abundance as God uses the gifts and servant hearts of our people to provide for our whole body.
As we conclude almost a year of lockdown, we feel keenly the loss of connecting and community: the chance to support one another, laugh and share life together. But the fruit in other areas gives us hope that God will help us find ways to see these met. Is it possible that we will find ourselves saying in future years, if God did this in 2020, we can face this and know God will be faithful and we will see good fruit? I think so.
Submitted by Rev. Drew Maxwell
Pastoral Activities
Emilia Klassen and Mitchell Smith
Abbey Grabics and Curtis Abagi
In Loving Memory of…
Brian Alan Payson
Eric Hubert Hiltz
Georgina Alberta Harris
Official Board Report
The saying ‘Hindsight is 20-20’ has maybe never been a more appropriate way to look back at a year than ... well ... 2020. However, a peek in the rearview mirror brings to mind the many good things God continued to provide for our church family in the midst of a very difficult season, perhaps the most important being another significant ‘20’ - our 20th anniversary as the light on the hill! As a member of the board, I was amazed at the goodness of God testimonies at the beginning of each of our meetings too. Healings, blessings, giftings and deeper connections to God all come to mind and are happening IN OUR FAMILY! I know that we are not the only ones to experience His goodness in 2020!
Although 2020 looked different, with most of our meetings held over Zoom, the board was able to participate in a ‘Running After’ group, a key piece of Calvary’s vision for 2020. We each gained a deeper understanding of our individual giftings, or ‘folds’, and look forward to digging into those in 2021 and sharing them with you. We encourage each of you to do the same. Be bold and dive into what you are running after this year! What gifts does God have waiting for you? Together, we can stretch our tent wide and place stakes in the ground for God’s Kingdom.
Staying connected with one another was a challenge in 2020. The board is grateful for the hard work by the staff and volunteers who made the switch to online worship seamless. We recognize it was not always easy and honour all those who made it happen. Connection with the Calvary family became a priority for the board and we are thankful for the deeper connections we now have with so many of the Calvary family.
Looking back - hindsight! - at our AGM ‘Dreams for 2020’, many of them came to fruition, both despite AND because of Covid. Whether it be having an active presence in the Village of St. Jacobs (GO! Ministry, DTK, Disciple A City and Prayer in the Park), installing LED lights throughout the sanctuary, the creation of more small groups (Kingdom culture, Running After, Luke study groups), live streaming video services, or more prayer for the Nations, all of these ‘dreams’ came true in 2020 and we can’t wait to dream with you and God in 2021!
Please continue to reach out to your board with questions about Calvary itself, our mission, vision, direction or operations. We value connecting with you.
Janine Armstrong (Vice-Chair), Steve Gayman, Jean Healy Martin (Secretary), Jane Herlick, Debbie Martin, Drew Maxwell, Donna McHardy (Secretary), Lorie Silverthorne, Terry Smith (Treasurer), Angie Tuffnail, Geoff Williams (Chair), Amanda Wood-Atkinson
Respectfully Submitted by Steve Gayman
on behalf of Calvary’s 2020 Board
Worship Ministry
Worship Leader's Report
'Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ .' Eph 1:3
Looking back at 2020, am humbled by the faithfulness and provision of our God and so very grateful for and proud of our Calvary church family.
As a church we walked boldly into the promises God had given us for our hope and our future, and held to those words as we evolved our worship in our changing environment.
In March we moved our More nights - such an important stake in the ground - online through Facebook live, and have seen cross-country connections, a broadening of the voices and talents leading (thank you Jordan and Aidan!), and healings, encouragement and new access to worship that wasn't previously possibly from our building alone.
Our Sunday morning services went to an online/in person hybrid (and then online only and back again) - and our incredible media/tech team not just met the online livestream challenges but tackled them with excellence, faithful to our church family identity, with techniques that have spilled over to other churches in our region and beyond.
Encounter continues to be a key anchor point for our church family and moved online as well - as we continue to meet God, receive Jesus and follow the Spirit's leading in new and powerful ways together. We continue to see healings, words and new gifts and anointings released! Special thanks for Drew, Rhonda, Kelly, Debbie and Esanju for the core support
I want to recognize our Media/Technical team for the incredibly heavy lifting that got us online with excellence in 2020 and continues to follow God's heartbeat as they innovate on these new platforms - Steve Morris, Dan Rose, Andrew Atkinson, Trent Beitz and Matthew Kuntz. Thank you team!
Our worship teams also worked through lots of shifts and changes to online and hybrid worship, and continue to lead us faithfully in worship each week: Troy Grose, Jordan Vogt, Cody Scott, Dan Rose, Aidan Maxwell, Cathy Linseman, Darlene Vogt, Jane Herlick, Annie Straus, Marilyn Wolfe, Joel Shantz, Ken Jacobs, Evan Maxwell, Dave Proulx, Drew Maxwell, and Esanju Bonga. Thank you teams!
I had the privilege of being able to take a 6-week sabbatical in October and November and am grateful to all the worship teams for stretching to cover during this time - special thanks to Aidan Maxwell who so ably took on the leadership of our worship teams during this time. Thank you Aidan!
Finally - thank you to our church family, for your prayers, your worship, and your patience and resiliency as we 'fast forwarded' into all God has for us in this season in our worship. Your encouragement and support of our worship and our teams continues to be an incredible blessing, and helps keep us moving forward through all the challenges and joys together.
Submitted by Dave Small
Director, Music Ministry
Worship Planning Team Report
“We will not see this as a year of stopping or pausing. Rather, we will continue to press into all that God has for us - it might look different, but we are pressing into more from God during this season.”
As we are all keenly aware - this year has been so different on so many levels. When we were ordered to stay at home in March to help stop the spread of COVID-19, we had to quickly change how we hosted worship services. The building was closed, but the church did NOT stop! There were weeks of learning, testing, researching and experimenting with various programs and devices that would allow us to effectively reach the Calvary family in their homes, from the safety of the homes of the worship leaders. Creativity and dedication were at the core of those weeks.
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We recognize the amazing work of our staff as they led the various volunteers through that time. Drew kept leading us, focused on God’s goodness and faithfulness - ensuring we were tapping into and extending God’s HOPE. Kelly spoke with wisdom and joy to the entire church family, AND found creative ways to engage and connect our families and children. Rhonda stepped into a producer role on Sunday morning, keeping all of the details and cues together to effectively link up the hosts, musicians, speakers and sharers from their home feeds.
Our Media Ministry Team worked tirelessly to ensure the feeds were clear and transitions were smooth - a special shout out to Dave Small, Steve Morris, Harold Arnett, Dan Rose and Andrew Atkinson for navigating through the challenges of the early weeks with abundant grace, patience and determination.
“...pressing into more from God during this season…”
Though there were limits on our gathering size, and times we could and could not meet, there were NO LIMITS on God’s ability to work. These are just some of the ways in which we GREW during our online season:
We were able to start streaming our services live - a dream we have had for years
This made it easy for our Calvary family to invite their friends, family and colleagues to join us online in a safe and anonymous way
Our reach extended beyond our walls to various provinces and into other countries as people around the world tuned into our services and were blessed by what God is doing here.
People were being healed online.
More people were attending the additional online worship options - such as MORE being offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and at times seeing upward of 30 people in attendance.
Involving more people in worship services - adding more worship hosts, having more speakers and sharers.
Opening prayer ministries online
Having the opportunity to share our learnings and heart with other churches who approached us for guidance on offering online worship.
Calvary family - you have ALL been instrumental in this being an incredible year of God’s goodness. Thank you for your grace through technical glitches. Thank you for logging in and worshipping with us from your home, and when we could do so safely, from the church building. Thank you for encouraging the staff and volunteers. Thank you for learning new ways to connect through online coffee hours, and chiming in with “good mornings” in the YouTube chat room. Thank you for discovering new ways to present your offerings and celebrate communion from your homes. You are incredible. And a testament to God’s goodness.
Our Worship Planning Team moved to meeting online - continuing to celebrate the ways in which we were seeing God move in our personal lives and corporately at church. Leaning in and listening for God’s direction thematically for our church.
Worship Hosts - for welcoming us into the service, keeping us up to date on announcements, and sharing your hearts with us as you ushered us into a place of worship.
Sharers - there were so many of you this year! Thank you for being willing to share with us what God is teaching you and offering us hope and some tangible tools as we all journey together in our faith.
Media Ministry - for sharing your skill, knowledge and expertise with technology, and doing it from a heart of worship - with a desire to break down any barriers that could keep people from truly entering into a time of authentic worship
Teachers/Speakers and Preachers - again - there were many! Thank you for teaching us and encouraging us and keeping us moving FORWARD in a season when it could be easy to get stuck.
Welcoming Team - when we returned to the building, we needed a whole new team to help check people in, monitor the numbers, sanitize and provide direction to keep the flow of traffic safe.
Worship Planning Team - thank you for pressing in each month to hear what God is saying, and being creative in how to help our church family remain connected and supported.
Above all, we give God thanks. For being our Teacher, Guide, Counsellor and Loving Father.
2020 Worship Planning Team consisted of: Janine Armstrong (Chair), Kelly Beitz, Rhonda Elgersma, Amy Gayman, Jane Herlick, Cathy Linseman, Amy McDougall, Ian McHardy, Drew Maxwell, Dave Small
2021 Worship Planning Team: Janine Armstrong is stepping off of the Team, so we are looking for a new chair for this team. All other members are planning on staying on.
Submitted by Janine Armstrong,
Worship Planning Team Chair
Family, Children & Youth Ministries
Lighthouse Family and Children's Ministry
Disruption either means a pause until you can get back to normal (back to old habits) OR it means finding a new way of doing things. Isaiah 43:19 says “See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”.
2020 has certainly been a year of new things! It has been a year of kingdom creativity, new ways of doing ministry and so many tangible examples of God’s goodness. Initially as I sat to write this report all that was circulating in my mind were all the things that didn’t happen. It made me think, “What am I going to write about?”. I was prompted to look back in my picture and computer files to see “What did we do?”and I was surprised at the list that was generated. It became apparent to me that God doesn’t just have our kids on his heart - he has families. This is the first year that it has been impossible to separate children’s ministry from family ministry because of the incredible overlap and the way God has been drawing families to pursue him together. Below are all the ways our kids and families were met with God’s truths & goodness as well as ways we found connection this year with the body - our church community.
Empower Conference - Feb 1, 2020
Calvary hosted our first ever Children and Youth Ministry Conference attended by about 30 people!
The conference featured panel discussions, workshop speakers, a keynote speaker and networking opportunities
Topics ranged from age specific teaching, mentoring strategy & classroom management tips
Lighthouse Sleepover - March 7-8
A night of fun, connection, worship, tents in the gym, campfires in the parking lot and breakfast together
Lighthouse Lessons
Jan - Started the year in person on Sundays using the Lighthouse rooms, age groupings and once a month big group worship times
Mar - Transitioned to online plans for families to do together which paired with the theme of the service
July - Each family was given a Family Devo book to do together and this was accompanied by a few video encouragements
Sept - Drop In Lessons back at the church
Worship Stations were set up around the sanctuary for kids and families
Lighthouse Worship Bags became available for kids to take to their pews to help engage more fully in the service with their families
Other Children and Family Ministry Structures and Opportunities
A Little Lighthouse in your week- weekly challenges, fun and Jesus focused activities for our kids and families
Weekly Lighthouse Zoom Calls on Thursday afternoons throughout the spring
Family Faith moments on Saturday mornings throughout the spring
Cabin Fever Kits - April
Easter Hunt Fun in ZOOM
Crack the Code - Outdoor Scavenger Hunt and fun at the church
Family Focused Outdoor Worship Evening & Drop In - July 2
Family Faith Fall Fair Day - October
Jesus Birthday Party on ZOOM - December
Parent Coffee Break/ Parent connects on ZOOM
Becoming a Praying Parent 21 day video series - July & August
Thanks to all of our Lighthouse volunteers - leaders and mentors - who have helped make all these events and structures happen! A special thanks to Amy Gayman and Olivia Martin who have stepped into some additional leadership involving long term planning and curriculum writing. Amy Gayman was also instrumental in the visioning and planning of the Empower Conference. Thanks to the whole team for your time, energy, love for your God and love of our kids & families!
Gerry Arcand
Jade Beitz
Trent Beitz
Amy Gayman
Kate Gayman
Doug Gielen
Marilla Gielen
William Henry
Nancy James
Emma MacLeod
Jean Martin
Olivia Martin
Quentin Martin
Tracy Maxwell
Grace McHardy
Trisha McLaughlin
Lisa Price
Amanda Wood-Atkinson
Braedan Smith
Megan Stickney
Dani Thomas
Angie Tuffnail
God is good. God is not surprised by the events in our world and has plans that happen in spite of and as a result of our circumstances. I am so thankful for all the new structures we have in our Family and Children's ministries and I am confident that God is moving to bring families to him. God is raising up spiritual parents at Calvary both in and outside of our homes and is raising up his children to be giants in this world and in his Kingdom. I am excited to see how he continues to move and guide us into the new things he is doing. I for one am thankful that we will not ever go back to “normal” - the old habits of Family and Children’s ministry. Not that it wasn’t good in that season, but God has shown us more and now the past feels too small. There is too much new goodness that I refuse to let go of. Use the change God. Thank you for the interruption and the new structures you have creatively released. Use them to continue to draw us into a closer relationship with you!
Submitted by Kelly Beitz
Director of Family and Children’s Ministries
Junior Youth
We love our Jr .Youth! These youth in grades 6, 7, 8 are an important part of our church family. On Sundays they engage in our Lighthouse Ministry with a special format designed to pour into them as growing followers of Jesus and leaders. Each week they engage as a small group together in their special jr. youth room, or they step into serving roles throughout the church. Then once a month we gather together to simply grow as a community and have some fun together!
While both these structures looked different this year, we are still excited about the opportunities we had with this crew. The Jr. Youth brought great insights, creativity, and contributions to our Lighthouse community in all the various activities and platforms from this past year. We were also able to enjoy some fun connects over zoom, play mini golf, and have some times of games at the church over the course of 2020.
Submitted by
Rhonda Elgersma
(Director of Youth Ministries)
Kelly Beitz
(Director of Family and Children’s Ministries)
Senior Youth
As I’m sure most reports have mentioned the challenges and uniqueness of ministry in this season, there is no exception with what Youth Ministry looked like in 2020. And yet with the resilience of our youth, the innovation of our team, and the faithfulness of our God there is still much to celebrate!
Our regular weekly gatherings, called “HOME”, happen on Fridays between 7:00-9:30. We call ourselves HOME with the goal that our community would be a space that feels like a family. A place of belonging; a place where you are known.
HOME’s vision continues to seek to be a safe passageway for youth to meet with and encounter the love and transforming freedom of Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit through community, memorable experiences, worship, growing, and serving.
While the word “normal” is never quite a word to describe youth ministry, we did get to enjoy some of our favourite normal rhythms and favourite traditions on some Friday nights. The crew loved hanging out in the youth space, enjoying a hot beverage as they caught up on their week or playing some classic video games before the programming began. We love to play and laugh together and usually some silly game was included in the evening’s activities. But the heart of our times together was when we’d gather in “the living room” (the circle of couches in the youth room) to worship, to learn, to share, to pray together. Of course this year, we had to shift to everyone in their own living rooms but we sought to maintain the same focus and culture together.
One of my favourite memories that embodies the heartbeat of our youth community was the first time we could gather together again. While we normally don’t meet over the summer months, this year we did when it was safe to do so. The youth were hungry. The moments of our young people sitting in a wide circle around a campfire, watching them encourage one another, laugh together, and worship together was beautiful. “Wow”, said one youth “I didn’t even know how much I missed this! I could stay here all night and just worship God out here!”
Some highlights this year included: (listed in order of the calendar year)
Some revamping of our youth space
Church sleepover
New online formats (Instagram encouragements & fun challenges, Instagram live, Youtube livestreams, Zoom)
Quarantine Buddies (prayer/encouragement partners over first lock down)
Quaran-teen Kits (delivery/pick up of some things to bring encouragement and fun safely to our youth)
Online Escape Room Challenge (this was an epic online adventure with characters and intense challenges! Over 40 people involved! Shout outs to our extended camp community for making this happen!)
Student led online bible study (led by Brooke & Jordan, a study of 1 Peter)
Online “Hot Seat” (a chance to ask rapid fire questions to someone in our community)
Outdoor Bonfires (a time of re-connection, circle games, and worship)
Outdoor Movie Night
Worship & Prayer in the Park
Socially distanced & innovative games like Bingo Night, Board Games Night, Indiana Jones Mission Game, and more!
The Chosen (we have really enjoyed using “The Chosen” video series to learn more about the life of Jesus)
Student Involvement & Leadership – in the various formats I loved the ways our students stepped up to teach, lead, serve. From leading worship, to organizing online games, to initiating ways to stay connected, to leading discussion groups, to helping put together silly videos – wow! These young people are powerful leaders and they didn’t back down in this season!
A special thank you to our awesome leadership (Grace Van Bruwaene, Andrew Atkinson) and the partnership & support of Kelly Beitz and other members in our church family & extended community. And an extra thank you to our youth for being so resilient and hanging with us this year. I am so proud of you. I know it was difficult sometimes when you got tired of all the screens or didn’t want another zoom call; or when we returned to in person but maybe not all of us were able to join – it’s been challenging. But I am so proud of how you have pressed through – in your own ways. Thank you for making time and space for your Jesus fam this year!
God is faithful. God is good.
Submitted by Rhonda Elgersma
Director of Youth Ministries
Small Group
We have always known the power of community and connection and this year more than ever, we felt the importance of finding ways to be “together”. While this was a difficult year to do so, we celebrate the innovation and many ways that people came together to learn, to support, and to spur one another on in their faith.
While we highlight some of the formal small groups below, we know there were many other community connections happening – from 2by2 friendships (prayer partners), to regular phone calls, to bible study gatherings! We know we are called to walk together and so we celebrate all the ways that happened this year!
Women’s Bible Study – A group of 10 women gathered to learn and grow together using a study called “Uninvited - Living Loved when you feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely” by Lysa Terkeurst. In addition to the videos & discussions, their times together always included rich times of connection and prayer ministry. Thanks to Cathy Linseman & Lorie Silverthorne for their leadership.
Kingdom Culture – This course shares some of our favourite and most valuable topics and principles! Each month we focus on one of the ways Jesus modelled seeing “His Kingdom come” (ex. honour, risk, presence, generosity). The group gathered 1-2 times a month to both learn and practise these cultures together. The group shifted to online and modified in person gatherings and we were still able to experience rich learning and encounters together! This is such a valuable course. There are incredible resources, sermons, readings, and monthly handouts available for you if you want to check it out!
Connections Group – Andrew & Amanda Atkinson ran a small group to provide connection and learning opportunities for those maybe newer to Calvary or looking for more! Using the above-mentioned Kingdom Cultures as some launching points, they spent time together learning, praying, and sharing life together.
Psalms Study – An online study group led by Rev. Orville James that showed us how the Psalms can help us connect with God and walk through our situations with Hope. This was a timely study group in April as many were struggling to make sense of the new challenging season.
Running After Group – One of the words over our church is that is a place that ‘raises up big people’. We each have powerful giftings, purposes, and callings on our life and God wants us to step into them. This group gathered for 3 sessions (and follow up meetings) to help people build up their confidence in their IDENTITY and DESTINY through simple tools, reflections, and encouragement. We are excited for more opportunities to help people run after who and what God has called them to!
The Chosen Study – The Chosen is a powerful TV show/series about the life of Jesus. Through online watch parties, a group gathered over 8 weeks to watch and then discuss an episode. Whether you’ve known the Bible stories your entire life or were just learning, The Chosen provided fresh and thought provoking perspectives on the life of Jesus and the people around Him. A big thank you to Terry for your leadership, passion, and coordination of all the elements of this group! We can’t wait until season 2 comes out!
Submitted by
Rhonda Elgersma
Local Ministries
GO! Outreach
This year marked the start of GO! - a word used to describe the activities, ministries and missions of our church that are outside the walls of our church building. We are called to be a “Light on a hill” and the “Salt of the earth” and we know we do this by taking Jesus and reflecting him in our everyday lives and in the opportunities he gives us.
We continue to be thankful for our partnerships with various organizations and their efforts to bring the hope, justice and love of Jesus to those in need around us. Partnerships range from financial support, prayer support and/or volunteer support. Some of these partnerships include Refugee Sponsorship, Kenyan Kids, Woolwich Community Services, Ray of Hope, Mennonite Central Committee, United Church of Canada Camping Ministries and the Pregnancy Centre. In addition Calvary supports the United Church’s Mission and Outreach ministries which meet local and global needs.
Throughout 2020 Calvary has had many new opportunities to grow, learn and share the gospel out in the local community and in the world. Below are a few updates on some of Calvary’s Go! initiatives.
GO! Equipping
This past year we stepped into a vision to offer Go! Equipping - sessions, workshops and groups with a focus of building skills and confidence in sharing the gospel and praying with those who need to hear about the hope of Jesus.
In April we hosted Disciple A City (DAC) on zoom where we trained and practised stepping out to share God’s heart. This led to a host of “15 second testimonies” being shared on social media and testimonies of growing confidence and boldness in sharing the gospel in everyday relationships. In November the DAC team returned in person for a day of training and application. Again, the turn out was amazing and there were testimonies of how God moved in the hearts of our own people as well as those in our communities! Stay tuned for more opportunities to grow in your own confidence and boldness to share God’s heart with those around you.
Prayer In The Village - Worship In The Park
This year presented us with a unique opportunity to explore new ways to be the church outside the walls of our building. The closure of the church building forced us to think differently, be creative and be bold. We know we are called to go out, so setting up some outdoor worship in the heart of St Jacobs was a beautiful picture of this. For an hour one evening a week throughout the summer and fall there was a small group worshipping in Riverside Park. The purpose was to simply praise God outside of our building - in the community we are called to be in
As the weather turned colder, we moved from worshipping in the park to walking the village and praying. The heart of this time together is to catch a glimpse of God’s heart for the people, residents and businesses of the village. We have had beautiful conversations with business owners and residents and nights of walking and silent prayers. We know God has so much in store for our village and look forward to continuing to learn how to pray for his Kingdom to come in St Jacobs.
Prayer For the Nations
It has been declared that Calvary is a House of Prayer and Jesus says in Mark 11:17 that His father’s house will be a house of prayer for all nations. Praying for nations is something Calvary has begun to step into more formally this year under the leadership of Jordan Vogt. Jordan has been choosing nations to pray for and providing Calvary with a snapshot of the state and culture of the country as well as prayer requests. These snapshots have been posted on social media to spur us on in our call to pray for our world. Once a month a small group has come together in the lobby to worship and hear the heart of God for our world. We know that our prayers are powerful and effective and we look forward to continuing to learn how to pray effectively for our world.
DTK - Downtown Kitchener Ministries
Calvary joined a grassroots ministry in November of 2019 led by Katinka Gielen. This ministry has been named DTK and serves marginalized people every other Tuesday night from 8-9pm in Kitchener. While the team offers a bite to eat, a warm beverage, and a few essential items, the real heart is to build relationships, demonstrate the love of God and offer the hope of Jesus to whoever stops by.
Calvary has spent the year working out the details of growing a new ministry in the midst of a very challenging season. Construction in front of City Hall, limits on outdoor gatherings as well as concerns about social distancing have been obstacles we have faced throughout 2020. We did pause this ministry for a 5 month period but were able to resume in the fall. In addition to learning and growing as a team, we have been blessed by The Museum with the use of their entrance which provides light, space and shelter on the cool and wet evenings. We have added a roaming team to our ministry so that people are met wherever they are. Hot chocolate is given out along with prayer, encouragement and hope.
We are so thankful to our congregation who continue to be so generous with their time and practical resources that support and sustain this ministry. We have been watching our ministry team grow and are excited to continue to build relationships with our downtown Kitchener community. Feel free to connect with Kelly Beitz to get connected with this ministry opportunity or support it with a donation.
Some ongoing donation requests include:
• adult sized hats • mitts • gloves • scarves • razors • toothbrush • travel-sized (hotel sized) hygiene items including • shampoo • conditioner • soap • toothpaste • deodorant •
Ray of Hope
We prepared three meals in 2020 for Ray of Hope. A very different experience for us this time around. The first two meals were to be take-out only so the challenge was a menu that was nutritious and portable! By the time we prepared the third meal, guests were once again allowed into the dining room with three sittings of 30 people each time plus a takeout option. This meant we could prepare a hot meal. Sadly, in this past season we were not allowed to serve the guests; so no interaction with them which is part of the joy in being at Ray of Hope.
We have committed to three meals again in 2021. We have been so grateful for the support from the Calvary family - food donations and monetary gifts. This team truly enjoys the preparing and working together to serve the Ray of Hope community.
The team: Barb King, Marg Scheid, Wendy Krieck, Jean Martin, Lorie Silverthorne, Brenda Tithecott and Cathy Linseman
Submitted by Kelly Beitz
Directory of Outreach
Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development Program
The Youth & Young Adult Leadership Development Program is an extension of Calvary’s ministries – outside of our walls & community. Through the financial support of Calvary & United Church grants, I, Rhonda have been able to continue to invest in opportunities for young Christian leaders. Out of the vision of many, several new ministries have been birthed (HUBS, small groups, worship opportunities) and my attention has been on “Equip”. Equip is a youth discipleship ministry that seeks to provide opportunities for youth and young adults to deepen their roots in Jesus and develop further as Christian leaders, through training, mentorship, community, and worship opportunities.
Some of the EQUIP highlights from 2020 include:
- Personal Retreat Days – We ran two personal retreat days in 2020. Amidst busy and noisy schedules and excess screen time, it is important to stop, be still, and lean into God. We provide some resources and encourage them to try some spiritual practises and enjoy a day along with God… together!
Online Webinars – We sought to provide both encouragement and practical strategies during lock down. We pulled in on various voices to share tips and tools to stay the course.
Launch Running Group – Mirroring Calvary’s Running After Group, EQUIP launched a first ‘running group’ with a small group of young women to help them discern who God calls them and what He may be calling them into. It was a powerful time of connection and spurring one another on in their race.
We are grateful we have already received another grant from the United Church Foundation – Seeds of Hope to continue investing in young people into 2021!
Submitted by Rhonda Elgersma
Director of Youth and Youth Adult Leadership Development
Refugee Settlement Committee
(Jean Healey-Martin, Lorie Silverthorne, Highview Community Church, Central Church)
2020 was a busy year for the Refugee Settlement Committee. In January, I thought I had reached the end of settlement work – my heart was still in it but there seemed to be obstacles all around – just as Moses thought when he came to the Red Sea. I decided to have one more meeting of the committee to discuss what was next. I took action and God showed up…again!
Highview Community Church (who we’ve partnered with since 2016) knew of a family that needed sponsorship. Through that connection, we are now partnering with a second church, Central Church in Waterloo, to reunite Aphrodite’s family, whose courage and resilience in the face of grave danger are truly inspiring. Through sharing their story, especially their commitment to educating Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, Jean Healey-Martin was moved to join the committee in June.
In February, we were so excited to learn that a family we are sponsoring – Ahmad, Douaa, and their 4 children – would be coming to Canada on April 22. And then the pandemic happened. Their travel was postponed and has yet to be rescheduled. Jod is their 6-year-old daughter who requires treatment for her hearing disorder which is severely impacting her development. Please pray for speedy travel arrangements!
Settlement of refugees aligns with God’s heart. Through our settlement efforts, my eyes have been opened and my heart changed in more ways than I can count. God has transformed me. This transformation and the ways that God has opened doors have affirmed that this is His desire for me. Others have also spoken words over me that affirm I’m using the gifts God gave me in this work.
2 Corinthians 9:8-11 (MSG) God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. As one psalmist puts it, He throws caution to the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon. His right-living, right-giving ways never run out, never wear out.
This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God, wealthy in every way, so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God.
God has indeed poured on the blessings – God’s provision is so evident in our settlement activities. Thanks to everyone’s gifts – whether that be time or finances – whether that be at Calvary, in our partner churches or beyond – we raised over $6,000 in our online auction “Bid for Freedom” and another $8,000 in donations. In total, we are now just over halfway to our fundraising goal.
Submitted by Lorie Silverthorne
Refugee Settlement Committee chair
International Ministries
Missionary Couple
Calvary continued to support a young missionary couple (names withheld for safety reasons) from our region that are serving in the middle east. In spite of the challenges this year, the couple have been able to receive lessons to assist in learning the Arabic language, form relationships in their community and mentor new believers. Calvary received a video update in December and were able to share this with our congregation on a Sunday morning. Their plan is to return to Canada for a short time in the spring/ summer of 2021 and would like to come to Calvary to update us and share their learnings, hopes and visions for what is next. Please feel free to contact the church office to receive a prayer card to assist in praying for and supporting this couple!
Pastoral Care
As Mary Jane and I talked together about this past year and what we would like to say in this report, the word “unusual” was one word we landed on. But as we reflected on the change from physical visiting to outreach by phone or email, we agreed that this has indeed been a rich time of connecting with our more vulnerable population. We have been greatly encouraged and blessed by our seniors in this time – their resilience, their making the best of this time, and the incredible support that we have seen within their families. This is definitely God’s goodness and provision and protection over them in a time when we are apart. And we celebrate that!
Our gratitude goes to our team – Barb Detweiler-Bowman, Sheila Donald, Sharon McKay, Dorothy McMillan, and Cathy Morris. Thank you for the ways that you have stayed in touch with our church family, checking in, notes, cards. So appreciated. Carol Bacso and Lori Melitzer have stepped off the team and we thank Carol and Lori for their years of faithful service.
We are continually blessed and encouraged as Sharon sends out prayer requests from within our church family, but also requests that come from our community. Sharon often adds a scripture or words of comfort and hope which are so appreciated.
Although requests for support from our Meals Ministry team have been much less in this season, Amy McDougall is available to organize and mobilize the team to provide short term provision. Asking for help is difficult – for all of us – and yes, humbling – but we are here to lighten your load and serve our community in this tangible way. None of us are exempt from seasons where we just need a “hand up”.
We appreciate and remember with gratitude, Marianne’s leadership and care for this team and those who were supported by this ministry. We value the relationships that were nurtured and trust in God’s provision and blessing on the future that He holds for her.
“Three things will last forever – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love.” 1Cor 13:13 NLT
Submitted with gratitude,
Mary Jane Schenkel, Cathy Linseman, Rev. Drew Maxwell
For many years now, Calvary has pursued one of God’s callings for the church: to be a house of prayer. Despite, and sometimes because of the challenges of 2020, times of prayer widened and deepened.
Thursday and Friday morning prayer times continued online or in person as possible. Through many rich prayer times, both groups grew in interceding for our church family and for God’s heart for our town, our region and the world. Wider and Deeper!
Sunday morning prayer ministry continues to be an important part of our worship times. We know the opportunity to receive a blessing, impartation, or simply have our petitions and praises released alongside someone else is powerful and important as a body.
We’re so grateful for those who set aside this time to listen and to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as in heaven. A special thanks to Sharon McKay who faithfully oversees the prayer chain, for leadership of More Evenings (Dave, Jordan, Drew and Aidan Maxwell), for the teams that faithfully make themselves available to pray Sundays’ after church, and especially for Lorie Silverthorne who managed to transfer us to online rooms this year - incredible!
Did you know our people are asked to go and pray for other churches and ministries? And our prophetic people speaking at other congregations - even those in other provinces? all because of our online presence! Wider and Deeper!
When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Eph 3:14-19a
Submitted By Rev. Drew Maxwell
Prayer Chain
With the many Faithful pray-ers on our prayer chain we continue to see God comfort, rescue and deliver us at times when we support each other in prayer, a personal conversation with God of the universe.....hearing our heart's cry... (for parents who are being rushed to the hospital)...we are thankful and blessed.
We’re encouraged to see all the people who lift up Calvary family in prayer, young and old and all who also offer prayers for the community that surround us!! We are reminded of God's goodness and faithfulness from those who have shared the notes below with us.
These words resonate so true this past year......
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
That calls me from a world of care,
And bids me at my Father's throne
Make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
My soul has often found relief,
And oft escaped the tempter's snare
By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
We welcome anyone who feels called to pray and intercede for others. If you wish to be included in the prayer requests that are shared via email please let us know and we will add your email. We keep requests confidential and only share the info as it is requested.
Submitted by Sharon McKay
Prayer Chain Co-ordinator
The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. John 10:3
Sozo ministry is a healing prayer ministry that aims to help the person connect with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a time of Holy Spirit guided prayer that lets God reveal the source of hurts and wounds. The prayer time helps the attendee recognize and listen to God as He desires them to be healed.
The team of prayers listen to God’s prompting as to how to pray and uses tools that the attendee then can use themselves to listen to God’s voice. We have seen the power of forgiveness and the joy of freedom. Hearing the shepherd’s voice will lead you out of whatever has penned you in. Sessions can be booked through
We are grateful we were able to facilitate a number of sozos, even throughout the pandemic. We have discovered that sozo ministry works easily and effectively over zoom and are excited for how this could open up this ministry moving forward.
Thanks to our sozo team: Drew, Ian, Dave, Phil, Donna, Sharon, Karen, & Rhonda
submitted by Rhonda Elgersma
The library saw some changes in 2020, just like everything else in the world did. The library was closed during the spring lockdown but we were able to hold a few "curbside pickup" days during the phased reopening. This was appreciated by a few avid readers who weren't able to access the public libraries yet. The library was eventually able to reopen with slight modifications for the rest of the year. As I write this we are under stay-at-home orders, but we look forward to welcoming readers back to the library soon.
Thank you to everyone who donated books and videos to the library collection. They are appreciated. Dozens of donated and purchased books were added to the library in late 2020 and early 2021, so please come check them out. If you have suggestions for more additions to the library collection please let us know at The goal of our library collection is to provide books and videos from Christian publishers, which can be difficult to find in public library collections. We believe that God has called people to write and we want to make those voices heard.
Submitted by Donna McHardy
for the McLibrary Team (Ian, Donna and Kate)!
Ministry &
2020 was a year of challenges, surprises and “new normal” and Calvary was no different.
Our staff and tech crew were beyond amazing when the pandemic started. The team all started working together to find a way to bring church and Jesus into our living rooms. There are no words to express the gratitude to all involved for the hours and hours, praying, researching, testing technology, and pushing out of their comfort zones, they put in to make this happen. Thank you, thank you.
In April, we officially accepted Marianne Leach-Hoffer’s resignation. It is with gratitude and thanksgiving that we celebrate Marianne’s ministry and the way she impacted all of us during her many years here at Calvary. Her influence, kindness, gentleness, and humour as she led the Women’s Ministry, Senior’s Ministry, Pastoral Care teams, Prison Ministry among many other groups at Calvary will be missed. Due to the pandemic, it was unfortunate that we were not able to celebrate and wish Marianne well in person. We were able to deliver a “Love Package” expressing our gratitude, shared memories and best wishes. Thank you to all who contributed to this package. We wish Marianne all the best as she sees what God has in store for her.
Drew Maxwell has been our lead pastor now for 15 years!! Wow, that is amazing, and we are so blessed to have Drew as our leader. Going down to one pastor put more on Drew’s plate. We want to take this opportunity to express our thanks to Drew for increasing his workload to meet all the needs of Calvary. Drew has been an outstanding leader, helping to delegate some duties that others can take care of all while continuing to be led by the Holy Spirit to pastor and teach us and push into More of what God is calling Calvary to be and do. Drew’s commitment to God and to Calvary is inspirational and beyond anything we could ask for at Calvary! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
As mentioned, before we have an amazing staff. Rhonda, Kelly, Dave, Drew, and Wendy have worked so hard and diligently over the year.
Rhonda Elgersma continues in her role as Director of Youth Ministry and managed to find new and exciting ways to continue to connect with the youth. If you have been blessed to spend time with any of our youth you will know that Rhonda has helped our youth to know who they are and wanting more. Our youth are a huge blessing to Calvary, and this is in large part due to the work of Rhonda. She also continues, with the support of Calvary, in her Equip Ministry, which is helping to lead, mentor and equip youth outside of the walls of Calvary.
Kelly Beitz continues in her role as Director of Children and Family Ministries. Kelly in her creativity has been able to reach our Lighthouse kids and families in so many new ways. Kelly uses ingenuity and fun to allow kids and families to experience and learn the love of Jesus and talking and listening to him as well. It is amazing to hear some of the things that our kids have heard from the Holy Spirit.
Dave Small also continues in his role as Director of Music Ministry. Dave is so wonderful leading us in worship. He is an excellent musician, and his leadership of the worship teams is evident and valued. In October, Dave was granted a 6-week sabbatical. Dave’s request for this sabbatical was made over a year in advance and Dave was very instrumental in putting together a plan for his time away. Dave arranged for coverage and we were blessed to have Aidan Maxwell fill in as Worship leader during Dave’s absence.
Wendy Stirbet as our administrative assistant, has managed to continue to provide support to both staff and our congregation in new ways during the pandemic. We thank Wendy for setting up a home office to enable her to work from home safely and efficiently as well as continue to have office hours at Calvary when allowed.
Working with the board, two new positions were developed this year. These two positions came out of the Visioning committee that looked at the direction that God is calling Calvary. The new positions are both part time positions. The Director of Outreach Ministries whose goal is awareness, coordination and communication of outreach and missional opportunities for Calvary with the focus on sharing God’s love outside of the walls of the church through congregational offerings of time, finances, giftings and talents. We were lucky enough to have Kelly Beitz accept this position. Kelly now holds two positions and together works 25 hours per week.
The second new position is Director of Ministries whose goal is communications with staff, church family and facilitating a communications plan. This role also provides leadership for strategic planning and implementation, connecting people to opportunities and roles as well as provide support to the administrative assistant. Once again, we were blessed, and Rhonda Elgersma accepted this position. Rhonda now holds two positions as well, working a total of 40 hours per week.
The M & P committee’s responsibilities are to provide support and pastoral care to all our staff, make recommendations to the board on salaries, job descriptions and contracts and ensuring workplace health and safety. M & P look forward to providing the continued support needed to Calvary staff and the board as we walk into 2021 with HOPE! “Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!” Romans 15:13 The Passion Translation
Submitted by Angie Tuffnail
Chairperson, Ministry and Personnel Committee
Trustees Report
The trustees are an oversight committee responsible for ensuring the building is cared for and that the trust - the building and property of Calvary - is managed well. Insurance is managed by Kleinknecht insurance and confirmed each calendar year.
Because Dale Sheick and the property team oversee the day to day needs of the property so incredibly, there’s not much required from the trustees. From lighting and heating, to dreaming how the church can serve the community better, to jumping in when there are things to fix - power outages, heat and cooling, plumbing. Many thanks to Dale and the team.
With lockdowns and restrictions, we also want to thank Rhonda Elgersma, Angie Tuffnail and Karen Straus for ensuring that the building was safe and well structured to enable those who were able to attend services and groups.
Trustees: Frank Kleinknecht, Larry Hellerman, Sharon McKay
Property Committee
The members for 2021 are Dale Schieck, Gary Melitzer, Dan Rose, Stephen Temple. We are always looking for volunteers to join the property committee.
One of the rooftop furnaces for the gym has lost the cooling condenser. After 20 years, it does not owe us anything. I have two quotes for complete replacement and disposal with a difference of about $150. One rooftop furnace today is approximately $14,000. We have 8 furnaces in total, 5 rooftop and 3 indoors. We need to plan for future replacement of the other 7.
The sanctuary lighting was replaced back in the summer. A huge thank you to Brian and Kirk Tuffnail for their time on this. You can definitely see well enough now to see the frown lines on Drew’s face when his Montreal Canadian’s loose. We still have to determine how to deal with the dimming in the sanctuary.
I have plans to replace and update the rest of the church lighting. I am working with a local company and getting a little bit of grant money.
Lorne Andrews continues to be the church cleaner. Lorne does an awesome job. Lorne goes above and beyond for us on little details we don’t even notice. I would encourage anyone who sees Lorne when he is around to stop and thank him for the great job he does.
Braedan Smith was our grass cutter for 2020. Thank you Braedan for a great job.
Submitted by Dale Schieck
Property Chair
Submitted By Bill Schenkel
2020 Financial
Submitted by Terry Smith
AGM Minutes
Feb 23, 2020
Meeting commenced at 12:55
Meeting was chaired by Geoff Williams.
Attendance: 46 adults
1. Welcome - Geoff Williams.
Motion: That adherents who contribute regularly to the support of the congregation may vote on motions brought forward at this meeting. Motion: Lorie Silverthorne. Seconded: Cathy Linseman. CARRIED.
2. Goodness of God celebration time - Amanda Woods-Atkinson.
Amanda explained that this is how we start our board meetings and many other meetings at Calvary. This gives us a chance to notice where we’ve seen God’s goodness in our lives and praise Him for it, and it’s a way to encourage each other.
A few minutes were given for table groups to share with each other, followed by some sharing with the larger group (including testimonies about ways that God spoke to people, encouragements He brought during challenging times, times when people prayed for others and they received healing, etc).
3. Dreaming and Vision - Jane Herlick
The table groups were given three lists:
The declarations that were recorded during last year’s AGM (see Appendix A).
More declarations which have been identified since then (see Appendix B).
The dreams that were shared and captured during last year’s AGM, along with notes about the dreams that we have seen come into reality since then (see Appendix C).
A few minutes were given for table groups to do more dreaming for the future. Each table group recorded their dreams. During the meeting each table shared a subset of the dreams they had recorded. After the meeting the full list of dreams was compiled:
Cross generational mentoring – older to younger; younger to older
More Calvary kids at camp
Youth mission trip
Bigger Backyard fest – more community involvement
Junior Youth ministries/serving opportunities – keep it up
Video/photos/slideshow of children engaging in songs and activities in Lighthouse
More space/accessible space available for kids and youth on Sunday mornings
II. ​​Out
Thankful for ongoing programs/ministry/outreach and the progress in moving these and new projects forward
People starting things in the community
Dreams for schools – encourage prayers before staff potlucks. Prayer jars in schools.
Have an active presence in the St Jacobs core, come down from our hill. Hosting his presence where we find ourselves – H Hardware, bakery, etc.
Mobile Encounter services – taking what we have here and blessing others
Another place of ministry/worship – branch of Calvary
Partnering with other churches and sharing gifts
Going out with Worship​
​ III. Building​​​
Clean up back room and get rid of wood tables and chairs
LED lighting for church
Bell tower beside cemetery
Nature classroom outside
A small chapel with gardens, walkways, for weddings and small events.
Remove more pews (also for back issues)
Using the back property to develop some sort of housing project for seniors/recreation​
IV. Connect
Family choir – an extension of the Christmas pageant?
Support people who are struggling with mental health issues
Revive VIP events – family social (very important people)
Creation of more small groups
Opportunities for young families to connect
Fitness program and dance-a-thon to worship music
Fostering and teaching opportunities for service and giving money (tithing) among the children and youth within the church and community
V. More
‘Outside the box’ staffing and partnership with other ministries
More original worship songs – song writing workshops
More prayer and vision for the Nations – start recording words and prayer for different countries, so we see when we launch missionaries
Live streaming or video of services
God will bless us with the financial means to carry through with our mission and outreach programs
Create next steps and be beside people to assist in reaching their next steps
VI. Anniversary
People want to help to make apple dumplings just one more time to celebrate our church anniversary
Fund-raiser – Generosi-tree
Bell Tower
Outdoor chapel
Outdoor classroom
4. Review of annual report - Geoff Williams:
Motion: To adopt the February 2019 AGM minutes as published. Motion: Dale Schieck. Seconded: Bev Bowman. CARRIED.
Motion: To adopt reports as submitted in the annual report. Motion: Dale Schieck. Seconded: Quentin Martin. CARRIED.
Proposed board members. Rob MacDonald and Doug McDonald are stepping off the board. THANK YOU for your faithful service. Proposed additions are Steve Gayman and Jean Healey-Martin.
Motion to accept the proposed board members. Motion: Wayne Donald. Seconded: Dale Schieck. CARRIED.
5. Ministry Reflection – Drew Maxwell
Drew spoke on behalf of the whole staff to give honour to Calvary’s leaders for the service and caring that are displayed and the vision that is shown.
6. Financial Reports – Terry Smith
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.’ And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NLT
2019 Financial Basics
Year end deficit was $(29,604)
Total surplus over the past five years was $24,248
Operating Fund as of December 31, 2019 was $(10,423)
Seventeen graphs and charts were presented which show:
Givings trends in 2018 and 2019
Total givings over the past 20 years - totalled almost $5 million
Givings and expenses by month for 2019
Monthly deficit/surplus in 2019
Year end surplus/deficit over the past 20 years – averages to a surplus of $297
Offerings by type and impact of PAR donations
Offerings to Operations, and Operating Expenses
Debt levels over the past 10 years – we have been debt free since early in 2016
Statement of Financial Position
Graph of monthly bank balances throughout 2014 to 2019
Motion to approve the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 as presented in the annual report. Motion: Dale Schieck. Seconded: George Stickney. CARRIED.
Operating budget presented – Terry Smith
The board wants to continue pushing into the same things that we budgeted for in 2019. The Board is proposing an increase in the operating budget for 2020 amounting to a 1.9% increase in expenditures from the 2019 Plan. This equals the nationally forecasted rate of inflation.
Budget wise, staff costs will increase by 2.5%. This is based on recommendations from the UCC and our M&P committee. Administrative costs are increasing to reflect the trend in actual costs.
The United Church of Canada changed their council arrangements in 2018. Calvary is now part of the Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council. Along with this came a new formula for 2019 and 2020 annual assessment. It’s simply 4.5% of the total revenue from all sources (not just Operations). For Calvary, that equals $15,600 or about a 3.5% increase for 2020.
Overall, the budget is an increase of 1.9% from the 2019 Plan. It is a more ambitious increase of 15% over 2019 actual or 12% over 2019 actual.
2. Motion to approve the 2020 operating budget as presented. Motion: Dale Schieck. Seconded: Jerry Arcand. CARRIED
Capital budget – A full capital budget won’t be presented this year. Dale spoke briefly about plans to make necessary upgrades to LED lighting in the sanctuary and the gym.
Geoff thanked the group for approving the budget that was presented by the board, and shared more about the board’s process in preparing it.
7. Honouring – Lorie Silverthorne
What is the difference between thanks and honouring? Honouring celebrates the gold in people. We honour people in order to glorify God.
Matthew 6:1-4
We give honour to:
A special couple in our congregation who have servant hearts. No job is too much to ask them. They love coming alongside people. Wayne & Sheila Donald
Those who give leadership for Sunday mornings: Worship committee (Janine Armstrong), Greeters (Angie Tuffnail), Praise teams (Dave Small), Tech team (Steve Morris), Hosts (Janine), Lighthouse leaders/mentors (Kelly Beitz), Youth (Rhonda Elgersma), Ushers (Andrew Macleod), Communion helpers (Amy McDougall & Cathy Linseman), Nursery (Shannon Robinson), Prayer team (Lorie Silverthorne)
Those who give leadership the rest of the time: MORE times, Kingdom Cultures, Bible studies, Courageous Parenting, Break Away days, Calvary @ camp, conferences, Sozo, Funeral food (Cathy Linseman, Sheila Donald), Reminder phone calls (Linda Cress), Property team (Dale Schieck), Trustees for the Capital Account, Cemetery committee (Bill Schenkel, Keith Martin), Finance (Terry Smith, Donna McHardy), M & P (Angie Tuffnail), Library (McHardy family), Outreach [including Downtown Kitchener, Ray of Hope, Settlement, Prison, Pastoral care team] (Cathy Linseman, Mary Jane Schenkel), Meals ministry (Amy McDougall, Brenda Leis), Prayer chain (Sharon McKay), 50+ (Dora Robertson), Special events and euchre club (Dorothy McMillan), Custodian (Lorne Andrews) and others that clean and tidy the church.
Board (Geoff Williams)
Staff (Drew, Marianne, Kelly, Rhonda, Dave, Wendy Stirbet)
8. Closing prayer – Lorie Silverthorne
Adjourned at 1:28
Geoff Williams, Board Chair ___________________________________________________
Donna McHardy, Secretary ___________________________________________________
Appendix A
DECLARATIONS recorded during February 2019 AGM
People will be drawn to Calvary because of the promise of hope!
In the name of Jesus, we declare that Calvary is a Kingdom church filled with righteousness, peace, hope, and joy in the Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit rests upon us and remains. We are keenly sensitive to the Lord and his voice!
Every time we gather together, we host the Presence of God!
Calvary is a house of prayer!
Every member is equipped and serving within their gifts!
We at Calvary see with the eyes of God, hear with the ears of God, and love with the heart of God. We demonstrate God’s goodness everywhere we go!
Worship, prayer and connection with God happens here every day, not just on Sunday morning!
We declare that signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the Word here!
People at Calvary will feel free to start things!
Calvary has a strategy to release people!
Healings are happening here!
Men and kids are spiritual leaders at Calvary!
Jesus is safe! God is safe! Calvary is safe! We are free from all fears!
Calvary is a community magnet and sponge that attracts and draws in people of all ages and backgrounds!
Calvary members align with God and choose to risk building God’s kingdom within and outside our walls!
This is a place where youth are equipped!
This is a place where children are as powerful and full of the Spirit as adults!
This is a place where we are not afraid of risk – we are brave!
This is a place where we worship with abandon – and it looks different for everyone!
Angels join us when we worship!
The clock will disappear when we worship!
As we worship the spiritual atmosphere changes, people are set free and healed!
God loves it when Calvary worships!
Appendix B
Other Declarations from 2019
We declare that the presence of God is upon us at this church and He has anointed each of us proclaim his Goodness to the meek, the poor and the afflicted.
God sends us out to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison for those who are bound.
We declare unity here in the Body of Christ.
We know the truth and the truth sets us free.
We declare that Jesus Christ reigns here and our hearts are filled with the revelation of Christ.
Every person who walks in these doors shall have a magnificent obsession with Jesus.
The Spirit of revival dwells here.
We hunger and thirst for righteousness more than we ever have before, and we shall be filled.
Let the glory of the Lord from this house cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
We declare that signs and wonders shall following the preaching of the Word here.
As the Word of God goes forth, His Word runs swiftly into our hearts and takes root in the good soil, bringing forth 100 times more fruit.
This house is a breeding ground for evangelists and evangelism.
God’s heavy peace is a powerful weapon to change circumstances.
The supernatural supersedes the natural.
We are a house of prayer for the nations.
Peace will guard our hearts and minds regardless of circumstances.
Calvary is a light on a hill. People come to Calvary to see God at work.
We are called to break open new paths with new ideas.
Appendix C
Dreams from February 2019 AGM with progress updates
Enable youth to attend summer camps – we had the funds to send youth to camp in 2019
Continue growth of youth ministry, turning hopes into habits – Kelly had too many volunteers for Lighthouse! Junior Youth room, JY monthly community service
More/younger kids playing instruments. – Jordan, Evan, Annie, Lighthouse worship team – Gavin, Kieran
Vision of bungee cords - we are stretching ourselves and are anchored here, e.g. Aiden and prison ministry. -Angie’s lunchtime prayer group, Board dreaming of stretching tent poles
Calvary could be a leader in seeing ways to support other struggling congregations, - Empower Conference, SOZO ministries, youth events attended widely by others from Hamilton, etc.
A new branch of Calvary sometime, somewhere.
People will feel free to start things. DTKM, Kingdom culture (new Facebook live)
Development of the back property- ongoing
Dream of changing frontage of church – signage. Thank you to the neighbour’s offer of a young tree.
Chairs instead of pews – physics? – 1 pew removed (did anyone notice?)
We have strategies to release people. - development of small groups and curriculum to teach heart of Calvary
More small groups/lunch groups/young adult groups– opportunities to connect. (above)
Continue to encourage and develop leaders. – Empower Leadership Conference
More programs and events - Adult Alpha group, Secret Grandparents, Fit for a Princess, family fun nights, progressive dinners/dinner parties, college or career group, seasonal family/children choir.
Continue and grow Family Camp
The sanctuary full for an event with the gym filled with overflow.
Groups will call out and act on gifts – House of Friendship support, DTKM, Prayer Team
People are drawn to Calvary because of the promise of hope. This word is on Calvary.
Worship = MORE – MORE evenings – Tues – Thursday, Worship burns, Encounter
Sunday morning is an overflow of what is happening the rest of the week.
To see our congregation, embody these things - joy, quick to love slow to judge and seeing people through the eyes of God.
Live streaming of services. – Facebook live for Kingdom Cultures is a start!
Ignoring the clock and keep going while God keeps going. No postponing sermons.
Committees, Coordinators & Nominations for 2021
We are grateful for the many names and volunteers who have served our church family in so many ways. Many have been celebrated in the previous reports and there are many more! Even while some of our teams weren’t able to function in the same capacity this year, we thank all our teams and volunteers. A special thank you to those who served in 2020 and have stepped down from their role this year. (Additionally If one of these areas below jumps out to you, please contact a church staff member. We have some gaps that need to be filled. Learn more at the upcoming AGM.)
We honour the work of the various leaders in all aspects of our church family. Here’s a look at some of the committee teams & coordinators for the 2021 season. While these names represent larger teams of people, you can use this as a helpful list to reach out to the appropriate point persons and lift them up in prayer!
(Further updates & official nominations/voting for board roles will be presented at the upcoming AGM)
*denotes chairperson
Official Board
Geoff Williams, Terry Smith, Janine Armstrong, Debbie Martin, Jane Herlick, Jean Healey- Martin, Lorie Silverthorne, Steve Gayman, Amanda-Wood Aitkinson, and Drew Maxwell
Ministry & Personnel
*Angie Tuffnail, Mary Jane Schenkel, Steve Van Bruwaene, Dave Proulx
Treasurer: Terry Smith
Committee: *Terry Smith, Donna McHardy, Wendy Stirbet
Pastoral Care
Coordinators: Mary Jane Schenkel, Cathy Linseman, Drew Maxwell
Meals Ministry Coordinator: Amy McDougall
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Team: Lorie Silverthorne
Prayer Chain: Sharon McKay
Sozo Coordinator: Rhonda Elgersma (temporary)
Team: *Dale Schieck, Gary Melitzer, Dan Rose, Stephen Temple
Trustees: (tbc) - Drew Maxwell, Sharon McKay, Larry Hellerman, Frank Kleinknecht
Cemetery: Bill Schenkel (stepping down), Gary Melitzer, Keith Martin
Garden Care: Wayne Donald (looking to step down)
Special Events Committee
*Dorothy McMillan, Bruce & Donna Dammeier, Bev & Barb Bowman, Donna Taylor, Ray Clement
Coordinator: Donna McHardy
Coordinator: Dave Small
Planning team: Dave Small, Kelly Beitz, Cathy Linseman, Jane Herlick, Ian McHardy, Amy McDougall, Drew Maxwell, Rhonda Elgersma, Amy Gayman (chair pending)
Media Ministry Coordinator: Steve Morris
Children & Families Ministry
Coordinator: Kelly Beitz
Nursery Coordinator: Shannon Robinson
Youth Ministry
Coordinator - Rhonda Elgersma
Coordinator - Kelly Beitz
Refugee Settlement - Lorie Silverthorne
DTK - Katinka Gielen
Ray of Hope - Cathy Linesman